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Restoring HOPE after a disaster...

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Earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, mudslides, fires, and floods – no matter what type of disaster occurs, the poor and marginalized are often impacted the most. You can help address the needs of sponsored members and their families following natural disasters and other emergencies.

Your donation will:
*provide emergency food baskets, water and temporary housing.
*pay for emergency medical care, surgeries and funerals.
*repair and rebuild homes or relocate families to more stable locations.
*replace resources used to make a living that were lost in the disaster.
*help families rebuild their lives and know they are not alone.

100% of donations to Trinity Foundation of Hope for Natural Disaster Victims are funded to non-profit projects to help individuals and families affected by disasters and other emergencies. Funds are used where they are most needed as determined by Trinity Foundation of Hope for Natural Disaster Victims and project staffs. Please remember that all donations are tax deductible. Click the PayPal or GoFundMe button below to DONATE TODAY!

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All Possible Because Of Your Donation!